Claim done and dusted within 7 days!

Our client (I’ll call him Mr Fish) had arranged property owner’s insurance through us. He had received a letter from his regional water board advising the property was using a lot more water than was expected for the type of building and had increased quite suddenly. They advised there would be an engineer sent out to investigate as there must be a leak somewhere but could take anything between 4-6 weeks before they could get anyone to come out?
Mr Fish was concerned that the water could be causing more damage than necessary whilst he was waiting, so got in touch with ourselves to looking at dealing with through his insurance?
We advised him to arrange for an engineer to go out and the leak was detected between the water meter and the stop valve. It was a substantial leak…….he was losing 18 litres of water an hour (which he would be paying for too!)
After a few hours of digging through concrete, the leaky pipe was found – this was covered under the ‘Trace & Access’ clause of his Buildings Policy and the insurance company footed the bill for the investigation work.
This was all done within 7 days of the claim being reported – that’s what you call a fantastic result!
At least Mr Fish hadn’t been trying to fill a swimming pool… though he could’ve have if it had been left to the water board!
Trace & access cover means you are covered to identify the source of a water leak and making sure there is access for it to be fixed (the repair/replacement of the leak source is not covered). It gives peace of mind knowing your insurance can cover this, as generally this could be the most costly part of the job.