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Golf Course Insurance

Golf Course Insurance

As a recommended golf club insurance broker we service golf clubs throughout the UK with their insurance including England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. To discuss your current golf club insurance policy or see how we can tailor a policy that suits your golf club best, get in touch for a no obligation review.

Insurance For Golf Courses Throughout The UK

Your course insurance cover should come as part of the golf club policy package with a specialist scheme, however every policy can be tailored to individual clubs needs and therefore you should only pay for the cover you require. 

For example, a club may choose to opt out of irrigation cover or cover for playing surfaces which in turn should pass on a saving to you. For instance where there is no club house or facilities, only golf course insurance cover itself will be required which should include liability cover.

Golf Course Insurance Cover Can Include

  • Long term agreement option available.
  • Commercial all risks cover for clubhouse, course, playing surfaces, plan and machinery.
  • Contents, computer, cups, trophies and objects d’art.
  • Money, goods and deterioration of stock.
  • Course furniture and property in the open.
  • Irrigation systems.
  • Road traffic act cover for motorised vehicles.
  • Liability cover for members, guests, visitors and green fee players.
  • Directors and officers liability cover indemnity with employment practice liability and entity option.
  • Engineering Inspection.
  • Public liability.
  • Employee liability.
  • 12, 18, 24 or 36 month business interruption indemnity.
  • Day one % uplift to buildings, contents and plant sums insured.
  • Cover for walls, fences, gates and outdoor furniture.
  • Contractors all risks cover.
  • Employee fidelity cover.
  • Hole in one cover per competition round.
  • Cancellation and abandonment (including weddings) cover.
  • Hired in plant.
  • Legal expenses.

We are confident that we will be able to help you save money on your golf course insurance premiums and provide more appropriate or even wider cover.

They key to any good golf course insurance policy is to tailor it to your specific need rather than using a standard commercial ‘umbrella’ one size fits all policy that fits all sports clubs or commercial licensed premises.

Golf Club Insurance Review

Is your golf course insured correctly? Could your club benefit from a free insurance review from a specialist golf club insurance broker?

In around 75% of the enquiries we receive we find that the golf club isn’t adequately or competitively insured.

We can offer you a free golf club insurance review with no obligations or ties. We simply need to collect some basic insurance details from you to allow us to give you a good indication as to whether or not your current policy is competitive.

Golf Course FAQS

If your current broker does not have access to specialist golf course insurance policies or you feel you would benefit from having another broker handle your insurance option, then we will be happy for you to transfer the policy across to be managed by yourself mid term. 

This will give you the advantage of having specialist golf course insurance broker managing your insurance options and it allows us the opportunity to review your current policy prior to renewal ensuring we can present you with options that are both competitive and comprehensive with the extensive cover provided by a specialist golf course policy.

Did you know that we can also assist with golf driving range insurance?