Stay Safe on the Roads!
Staying safe on the road is important especially around this time of the year. From driving in darkness to black ice and storms, make sure you have car insurance in place to cover you over this winter period.
Pedestrians can be unpredictable, (especially children) but they ALWAYS have priority. Slow down in busy areas and be ready for sudden surprises. Keep your brakes and tyres in top condition to stop safely when needed.
It’s not just about sticking to the limit—adjust your speed to suit weather, traffic and road conditions. If you spot a speeding or aggressive driver, stay calm, slow down and give them space. Let them be someone else’s problem!
Your phone can wait. Keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road—distractions lead to accidents. Using your phone while driving is illegal and you risk fines, points on your licence or even worse. Put it away out of sight or connect it hands-free if absolutely necessary.
Alcohol & Drugs
If you suspect someone is driving under the influence, stay well clear. Give them space, stay alert and report dangerous driving if safe to do so. Remember, erratic driving could also be due to vehicle/medical issues, so don’t jump to conclusions.
Rain, snow, or fog? Reduce your speed and ensure your tyres, wipers, and lights are in full working order and legal. Avoid large puddles, keep visibility clear and always adapt your driving to the conditions.
Parked Cars
Parking safely is just as important as driving carefully. Don’t block junctions, corners, or pavements and always check your surroundings before opening doors or moving out of spaces.
Rear-End Accidents
Generally if you go into the back of someone, insurers take the view you were driving too close and too fast and you will be held at fault.
To avoid tail-gate crashes:
- Don’t tailgate—keep a safe distance.
- Check blind spots before lane changes.
- Use a dashcam for extra protection against scams.
Windscreen Damage
A cracked windscreen is dangerous and can impair visibility. Fix chips immediately and avoid driving with significant damage—you are usually covered for glass damage and it doesn’t effect your no claims bonus so it’s always worth checking your policy.
Junctions & Roundabouts
Be vigilant at junctions! Even with the right of way watch out for cyclists, motorbikes, pedestrians or reckless drivers. Signal clearly and match your speed to the flow of traffic when merging or exiting. TAKE EXTRA CARE AT MINI ROUNDABOUTS, always give way to traffic coming from your right.
Reversing Accidents
Before reversing, check all mirrors, cameras and blind spots—and don’t rely solely on sensors! Always look and listen for movement, especially in busy areas. Never reverse from a side road into a main road—it’s not worth the risk.
Stay safe, stay alert and remember: careful driving protects you and everyone else on the road!